Saturday 24 May 2014

If only....

I swerved my babe to the right slowly ,the little bells hanging on the mirror swayed to the left tinkling .That was Swathi's gift for our 1st love anniversary.She had a reason for gifting me those.The cute chimes always remained together and tinkled only if either of it touched each other,she said we were like the bells and just like them we would be always be together and make noise together. Hahahahah !!! So true!! We were the noisiest couples in our clique.We are always up to something or the other and those memories alone made us the happiest.

I pulled over to the side of the street to get a case of beer.The boys were getting set to celebrate the weekend.As I got close to the car ,I stood still a few steps from my babe admiring her.She stood there in elegance and style.She was a beauty.I patted her black glossy body before getting back in. I placed the beer case on the back seat and got in inhaling the vanilla scent from the car freshener.That's my babe's scent.I got my babe back on the road.She was a delight to drive ,to see the needle moving right as I try to floor the pedals.She never ever ever let me down.That was my babe !! Just like Swathi always there for me.I drove happily with the windows down and the wind blowing on me.My favourite love songs playing in the car and me lip-syncing all the way.

My stomach was grumbling,after the two glasses of whisky from Vicky's house.Wondering if mom made something at home.Balancing the steering wheel on one hand, I dialled home.No one's picked up.So I decided I had to stop by somewhere and get something.As I put the handbrakes and unbuckled my seatbelts ,I noticed a boy and his sister on the street.They were munching on the last few remains of a biscuit given to them.I called them with me and we walked to McDonalds for a snack.Their eyes popped out with wonder and they laughed from their hearts when they set their hands on their burgers and coke.It was Swathi who taught me these little things which meant a lot for others.I clicked a photo of the priceless moment and sent it to her.She was so excited and I got a quick kiss in return.

I got back with my babe and resumed my ride.It was a long day and I had miles to go.Unfortunately ,got stuck up in traffic,right on the flyover.The problems that rains create on Indian roads are terrible and so are the traffic jams associated with them.I switched off the engine and dialled Swathi. We.We spoke for more than an hour but I had barely moved a few metres.The heat made me all the more thirstier.I checked my bottle for water, not a single drop. Swallowing my saliva didn't solve the problem.My throat was drying up and I was getting even more frustrated with the traffic.My only option was to open the beer case as there were no shops in close sight either.I knew it was a wrong choice ,but even my lips dried up ,I had no other go.I opened the can and had a few sips to quench my thirst.The traffic moved at a snail 's pace and the beer was such a relief.By the time I cleared out of traffic ,I dint realize I had drunk two whole cans.

After keeping my babe idle for a long time,I stepped on the pedals.My babe glided swiftly on the highway ,the golden beams streaming in from both sides on the wind-shield.Tiny droplets of rain decorated the wind-shield. The.The road had a sparse population of cars and I stepped harder on the pedal ,my babe loved extremes.But I felt a bit drowsy , it was a hell of a day and I was exhausted.My eyes were tired and watery and I had to strain them to see.In the distance, I noticed a truck moving slowly.It was far away and all I had to do was change lanes at the right time.I kept my pace and was approaching the sloth truck.I suddenly regained my senses and noticed that it was not moving at all.All of a sudden I was panic -stricken ,I couldn't turn right as there was a red van and left was the barricade.Alarmed at the situation I was confronted with ,my mind went blank and my babe I couldn't control.She was wild.I banged heads onto the massive vehicle crushing my babe to shreds.....


The glass shattered in a million directions.What happened in a matter of  few seconds, I couldn't  completely recollect and what was going to happen was an even bigger question.My body was screaming in excruciating pain.My eyes were drooping ,blood slowly flowed down my temples and Swathi's face flashed in front of me.I was laying like ball of flesh,bathed in red.The chimes had broken off and lay shattered.Each bell separate with no tinkling .A few seconds back I was the happiest man in the world.Our families had agreed to get us married after years of fighting and reasoning.The dreams we had weaved together were going to remain as dreams.I left her alone in this world.I betrayed Swathi and everyone who loved me.Everything was destroyed in a matter of time.I broke Swathi's promises.And last of all ,I had killed my babe....if only...if only I hadn't....

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