Sunday 7 April 2013

Beside her...

I tread carefully on the bark which grew right over the river at a height so perfect that our feet could feel the tickle of the lazily flowing river. I turned back and lend a hand to her. She was plodding slowly onto the branch, stumbling over a pebble which rolled gently into the water with a plop.

 We sat on the branch pulling ourselves close together .She was a typical woman- talkative , complaining ,caring , over -protective and was in a frenzy about anything and everything-from my nails which I forget to cut every time to the wrong gifts I gave her on the first few birthdays(Now I just let her choose.)But she was everything to me-my friend, my girl, and my pet … In short, my soul…

Her light yellow dupatta swayed in the gentle breeze. Her earrings dangled as she nodded her head and her bangles clinked as she made gestures during her highly expressive prattle. We sat there talking n laughing about god-knows –what??She laughed hard, craning her neck backward. I leaned forward, tilted my head and sat there admiring every bit of her laugh. I can never deny that her laughs always bought a curve to my lips and just filled my heart with ecstasy. She completed her laugh and looked at me with squinting eyes and pouting lips as if rebuking me for ogling at her! I couldn't stand her cute look. I pecked her cheek with a quick kiss. And there she went again shouting, hitting me hard and almost pushing me into the water. The riverside was our daily hangout, let it be happy times or sad.

Our chats continued, she kept bantering me with the list of girls who have an eye on me, while deep inside praying that no girls family should come asking for me before she did. And each time she teased me I made a silent promise that no matter what, I wouldn't leave her.

Our talks subsided for a while. Come on!! Our mouths required a little rest after quite a few hours of continuous chatter. She rested her head on my shoulder and kept meddling with my fingers. I threw a pebble into the water creating ripples. Even in love, you can never ignore the ripples it creates…   It reminded me of our four year long relation, still going strong. From the day we met till today. Everything seemed like a stupid joke initially but it evolved into love slowly and steadily…  Bickering was a part of every relation and so was it for us too. But they never lasted long. It just helped our relation mature. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she sat upright and looked straight up at me .Our eyes locked for a considerably long time and not a word we spoke. A truly priceless moment before a passionate kiss.

I knew we were meant to be and we had already dreamt of the things we would do together. Our dreams were real until that fateful day…Sometimes life can take a cruel twist….A twist that almost wrings you out, taking the life out of you. All I remember was a flashing light and I lay down on the road staring at a puddle of blood beside me….

And now, every day she sits alone on the branch crying for me, her pretty eye lashes moist with tears. I couldn't stand watching her dull face bereft of all the joy and the naughty smiles which I would never see again.  But little did she know that I sat by her everyday holding her tight, caressing her hair and wiping her tears. How I wished if she could only see me or hear me crying out to her… telling her that I am right here….right beside her all the time....... 

Monday 18 March 2013

Angel Eyes

The saline breeze smeared my spectacles as I sat watching the harsh waves lashing, venting out their wrath on the tamed rocks. I could hear the waves ‘roars of fury ringing in my ears.But what overcame them were the louder roars from the ocean of tears I had created in my mind. I sat there fuming with the thoughts that frustrated me, making me hate every moment of life. I felt like a broken string of pearls. My life seemed irreparable.

I was lost in thought, when she came and sat next to me. She sat still enjoying the breeze n listening to the seagulls. She was beautiful in her baby pink attire, her butter-like complexion, her delicate fingers and her suave expression. But what caught my eye first was her enchanting almond eyes, even without a tint of makeup, they were the most prettiest I had ever seen.

I don’t know how but we struck a conversation. One that extended beyond worldly talks. Her soft voice and the powerful use of simple words made me feel light. She left after a while, but I was still relishing the lingering remains of the conversation that I had.

The conversations became customary. I waited patiently everyday for her on the same bench. We enjoyed each other’s conversation. Day by day our conversations grew longer and I became all the more restless to see her. I could just keep listening to her, staring at her hazel brown eyes catching the twinkle in them. She breathed a new life into me, lifted my hand and took me away from my woes. I knew I was in love……

She was all I thought of. Her bright, glistening hazel eyes.-their haunting looks. I could feel the various hues of emotions they showed. But she could never see the hues of her eyes nor me because to her I was just a voice in her darkness…

Saturday 9 February 2013


When birds of helplessness flutter inside,
I'm sucked deep into a black hole,
Each vein in my body pulled tout,
Shrinks my body into emptiness.......

Each drop of blood pricks me from head to toe,

Each breath I take seems like the last,
Suppressing the boiling emotions,
thats briming from inside....

But Alas!!!!

The mounting pressure breaks the glass,

Leaving nothing but nothingness...

Now lets begin a brand new world,

Let the happiness burst like a
tender flower ready to bloom...
Let the darkened skies leave 
for a bright new morning...

Let the flames of truth,

purify the soul...
Let the rain come down,
and wash away the dirt of ugliness,
pull off the mask of pretention
and burst the bubble of helplessness...

To reveal 'myself' like  a new born baby

into this beautiful world.......... 

Saturday 5 January 2013

That Evening...

The lashing snow and
the burning fire remind me
of 'that evening'....
The timeless moments
that both of us shared...

The corner table and
the candlelight dinner rushes
to my mind..
'That Evening'
will forever remain
a shining jewel in my heart..

'That Evening'
was just meant for you and me.
The warmth of the fire,
the fragrance of love filled the air...

'That Evening '
my hands were craving
to run through  your
luscious brown curls..
The glitter of the stars
twinkled in your smoky eyes ....

'That Evening'
The smile turning up
the corner of your lips
made my heart brim with joy...
Your every breath
made my heart sprint  faster..

'That Evening '
Your every word brought
a shower to my heart..
Your icy voice sent
chills through me .....

'That Evening'
Your glances told me stories
Our silence conveyed
the messages of our hearts....

'That Evening'
The candle burnt
slowly so that
the evening would stay...

A moment of bliss,
I experienced
when our souls became one...
'That Evening'

Today even the shining stars
whisper the stories of
'That Evening'
My heart keeps yearning
for 'That Evening',
the last evening with you....

'That Evening'
when you slipped away
to become someone
else's forever........